LIVE LAB (architecture) |
LIVE LAB (residencie) |
LIVE LAB (storytelling) |
1000 - 100 - 10
1000 years of the Battle of Clontarf - one of many seasonal ventures of then Orcadians swapping plough for a sword and turning fishing boat into battleship easily. 1000 years ago Gyro Nights were regular Festival in Papay. 1000 years ago the island Papa Westray had 100 nausts - boat shelters scattered along the shore, with a boats ready to go in all directions for fish, for trade, for love, for fight: the plain of journeys, like grass covering the island with no trees, spreading into the sea. in 1000 years 1000 roots were shrunk into 1 line of the road cutting the island from South to North. 1 pier. 1 boat. 1 plane. movement of inhabitants organised by timetables occasionally blown away by the weather - the last not tamed yet element of the place
100 years of another war - World War I.
The last time Gyro Nights Festival in Papay celebrated about 100 years ago.
10 years. decade. one backward. one forward. about present time. bringing back Gyro from dead. learning magic. rebuilding all 100 nausts. preparing for new Clontarf |
Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari. NOMADOLOGY: THE WAR MACHINE
Originally appearing in A Thousand Plateaus. Translated by Brian Massumi
"Axiom I. The war machine is exterior to the State apparatus.
Proposition I. This exteriority is first attested to in mythology, epic, drama, and games."
“The warrior is in the position of betraying everything, including the function of the military, or of understanding nothing. It happens that historians, both bourgeois and Soviet, will follow this negative tradition and explain how Genghis Khan understood nothing: he “didn’t understand” the phenomenon of the city. An easy thing to say. The problem is that the exteriority of the war machine in relation to the State apparatus is everywhere apparent but remains difficult to conceptualize. It is not enough to affirm that the war machine is external to the apparatus. It is necessary to reach the point of conceiving the war machine as itself a pure form of exteriority, whereas the State apparatus constitutes the form of interiority we habitually take as a model, or according to which we are in the habit of thinking.” |
In Norse mythology, Loki, Loptr, or Hveðrungr is a god or jötunn (or both). Loki is the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loki is the father of Narfi and/or Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loki is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. In addition, Loki is referred to as the father of Váli in the Prose Edda...
(from Wikipedia) |
WAR. not the battle itself, with its scream and blood, but premonition of war and exhaustion of aftermath. digging trenches and graves. nomadsic horde accelerating in the plain avoiding rules, armies and fortified cities covering them by the dust of the deserts. WAR on deserted island is the staring at the Sea
INCOHERENCE - (see Incoherence Manifest) our programme is lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony
VIDEO ART as a visual philosophy, shamanic trance, ceaseless dance. misused technologies, filming and screening devices. lo-tech or hi-tech or body as video camera and projecting apparatus - organic cameras of the place
ARCHITECTURE of fire and nomadic tents
POETRY impossible assemblages are possiblised in poetry and film. the island is a geological poem framed by the ocean in shoreline breathing by tides. inhale. exhale. the tidal zone belongs to the world between the rock and the sea. in-between territory where selkies, finn-folk and sea monsters dancing with mortals