2007, 7'00" |
is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
These are the final verses of the well known poem by Thomas Stearns
Eliot, "The Hollow Men". The end of the world won't be
something very spectacular, but a slow fade in black. Maybe we are
living in that fade, and we don't know. In this video there are
a lot of bangs and explosions, but they are quite digital, artificial.
They don't really destroy anything, because everything is already
destroyed. Images destroying other images. The central idea was
the making of a sort of theatre of memory made by images, directed
by a "black widow" with two crutches: a fragile and very
strong female figure. The crutches and their symbolical meaning
are a reference to Salvador Dali's paintings. She is the conductor
of an orchestra of destruction. Maybe the ghost of a victim war
taking her revenge, maybe the vintage heroin of a vintage videogame.
Born in Turin (Italy) in 1967. He worked with the Archimedes Centre
of Visual Arts (a cultural centre of a District in Turin) since 1988,
were he held workshops on video: Since 1991 he worked with the National
Film Archives of Resistence (Turin), where he realiwed documentaries
about the Second World War, the Resistance, about workers struggle
and other subjects relevant to the activity of the Archive. Since
1995 he worked with Theater Juvarra in Turin in the realization of
multimedia shows and videoperformances. He also works as a teacher
of video language and practice in DAMS (Department of Art, Music and
Performing arts), a Department of the University of Turin, Italy.
He wrote several books about videoart; video technics and aesthetics
of electronic arts. Since 1989 he realizes experimental videos, documentaries,
music videos, videoinstallations, multimedia shows. |
www.alessandroamaducci.net |