Madrigal of the Explosion of the Wise Whale
4 screen video installation. 2010 |
The madrigal of the explosion of the wise whale videos is a video
monologue that is presented with four "actors performing projectors"
and we can describe it as Video theatre installation.
The figure with the ears and the crabs start the function, and so
begins as your indicated text.
The actor's is the artist himself.
Is quite innovative because he film himself performing and record
monologues that becomes dialogues due to the two screens projections,
creating Video theatre.
The Madrigal of the Explosion of the Wise Whale holds the idea that
art can be created from a fictional reality and try to build this
reality afterwards in a second level of understanding, creates the
"lamentations of a daily poetic life", modern theatrical
lamentations, dealing with paradox, Madrigal is not a Modern form
of song but it can be modern and as an art fort can be translated
to theatre, to "Home Domestic Theatre of the Daily Life",
when quotidian life is transformed to Tragedy. |
Tsitsopoulos was born 1967 in Athens, and studied Fine Arts
at Aristotelion University. Now a resident of Madrid his doctoral
studies have explored the theme of ‘Irony In Art’. Currently
in the employ of The Prado Museum Madrid, Tsitsopoulos area is Education
In Art History and workshops. "Present in Tsitsopoulos work is
a mix of possibilities. Joy, pleasure, political identity, conformism
and rebellion, masked and overexposed, combined with spirituality
and sensuality. Theatrical process is employed, and the artist (Tsitsopoulos)
becomes similar to the painter. New possibilities emerge, as theatre
and film become the canvas for his work.
About my artwork:
The subject of his creative exploration is failed philosophical
theories. Failure ideals: in music, and composers’…
failure ideals also in the theatre. Plays with a tragic elemental
edge and meaning, and a forgotten end, serve as inspiration to much
of Tsitsopoulos work. These themes are evident in his works Goya
and Rodin, Berlin 2005 and 2007, at the Alten National Galerie and
Neuen National Galerie. Under Jannis Markopoulos who create Phylosophy
Art. Tsitsopoulos exhibited at the Liverpool Biennial, A Foundation
2004, at FACT,and other shows in England, as well as In CASA ENCENDIDA
and CIRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES 2004 2007 among others.He is working
with Batagianni gallery Athens-http://www.batagiannigallery.com/
Dolores de Sierra Madrid- Begoña Malone Madrid- Atm Altamira
www.batagiannigallery.com |